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Lyrics » S » So Solid Crew » Dilemma
by So Solid Crew
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Attention to all ravers
Tonight we represent to u the
So solid crew feat Harvey Mac MC MegaMan
And a unknown man person called g-man

We have bad news
No one knows the whereabouts of MC neutrino
His family is worried
He hasn't phoned,
Been seen any where
Or sent any post cards
We are defiantly in a mad dilemma.

Roll the dice number 2
Happens to be the So Solid crew
Roll the dice number 4
Burn out the dance
Burn out the dance floor
Roll the dice number 1
Look at the best DJ your tha don
Roll the dice roll the dice
It's the way that were rollin tonite

I'm like the stars in the sky
I'm like the moon as so high
I'm like the sun in the cloud
Garenteed teed to run the ground
Like like cloud full rain rain
Dark and grey
Don't try stepping my way
M A C like a hawk I prey
Swep it up n ill take it away.

It's time to interact MC Harvey im rading the track
It's time to intercept
M A C live and direct
Live n direct n all due respect
Ash better tell everybody gonna take jaya
Gonna take jaya when I put u on the decks
Riding a mic wid da interlect [x2]
Oh jaya shake it to the left
So solid crew wid da bass in check
Neutrino where u der

(Di-dilemma, bad situation) [ad-libs]
Dilemma how do you want it
Touch da mic Makin u vomit
Dilemma gotta deal with it
So solid were all bout it [X2]

Get get, get loose loose
Gimme tha mic
Wid da energy boast
Gimme the gin a wid da sip of da juice
Get a get a get loose loose

Dilemma how do you want it
Dilemma gotta deal with it

Mission impossible
Let me start talker so original
We gonna bring u something new
Sooner or later, everybody gonna wanna do

Deck 1 deck 2 it's true
Lyrically MAC inside da venue
Deck 1 deck 2 It's true
Paper money rinsing tune

[Repeat chorus (fade till end)]


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