I wonder how the morning came
last night I went insane
I threw some things
I smashed some things
what happens next
I haven't figured out yet
I'm not quite sure what
drove me to the madness
bringing on my darkside
was it me
was it you and your obnoxious friends
that made me feel defenseless
I couldn't care less about
the things you'll think when I walk out
I couldn't care less about
what happens now
I couldn't care less about
the psycho-babble from your mouth
I don't think I care enough to care
tripped on your diploma
bulldozing through
bringing spring into the room
somewhere on a country road
you're probably killing me
under broken things
you found your wings
goodbye [Chorus]
by now you've reached the mountains
denied yourself the fountains
off exit 41
in the old blue cabin
that hides the sun so well [Chorus]
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There's one thing we know for sure about the speed of light: It gets here too early in the morning!
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