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Lyrics » E » Eminem » 8 Mile Freestyle Pt.II vs Lotto
8 Mile Freestyle Pt.II vs Lotto
by Eminem
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Yo, it's time to get rid of this coward once and for all.
I'm sick of the motha fucka! Check this shit out!
I'll spit a racial slur, honky, sue me!
This shit is a horror flick,
but the black guy doesn't die in this movie!
Fuckin' wit Lotto, dawg, you gotta be kiddin!
That makes me believe you really dont have a interest in livin!
You think these niggas gonna feel the shit you say?
I got a betta chance joining the KKK.
Or some real shit, though, I like you
That's why I didn't wanna have to be the one you commit sucide to
Fuck 'Lotto,' call me your leader
I feel bad I gotta murder that dude from "Leave It To Beaver"
I used to like that show, now you got me to "fight back" mode
But oh well, if you gotta go, then you gotta go!
I hate to do this, I would love for this shit to last
So I'll take pictures of my rear end so you won't forget my ass
And all's well that ends well, ok?
So I'll end this shit wit a "FUCK you, but have a nice day!"

Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver
So was Eddie Haskal, Wally, and Ms. Cleaver
This guy keeps screamin', he's paranoid!
Quick, someone get his ass another steriod!
"Blahbity bloo blah blah blahbity bloo blah!"
I ain't hear a word you said, "hipidy hooblah!"
Is that a tank top, or a new bra?
Look, Snoop Dogg just got a fuckin' boob job!
Didn't you listen to the last round, meat head?
Pay attention, you're sayin the same shit that he said!
Matter fact, dog, here's a pencil
Go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful,
And don't come back until something dope hits you
Fuck it! You can take the mike home with you!
Lookin' like a cyclone hit you,
Tank top screamin', "Lotto, I don't fit you!"
You see how far those white jokes get you
Boy's like "How Vanilla Ice gonna diss you?"
My motto: Fuck Lotto!
I get the 7 digits from your mother for a dolla tomorrow!


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